Staff Directory

All Departments / Department of International Relations

User profile picture
Prof. Dr. Gökhan ÖZKAN
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok / 451

International Economic Policy
Department of International Relations
(Head of Department)
300 35 43
International Relations
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Asst. Prof. Dr. Engin KOÇ
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok / 359
International Relations
Iran and Saudi Arabia Relations
Middle East -Gulf Studies
Identity-Foreign Policy
International Relations
Iran and Saudi Arabia Relations
Middle East -Gulf Studies
Identity-Foreign Policy
Department of International Relations
(Assistant Head of Department)
300 38 44
User profile picture
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mevlüt AKÇAPA
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok / 359
International Relations
Turkish Foreign Policy
International Political Economy
Russian External Energy Policy
International Relations
Turkish Foreign Policy
International Political Economy
Russian External Energy Policy
Department of International Relations
(Assistant Head of Department)
300 38 92
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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Burak DARICILI
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok / 259
Intelligence Studies
Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence
Security and Terrorism
Actual Turkish Foreign Policy
Intelligence Studies
Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence
Security and Terrorism
Actual Turkish Foreign Policy
Department of International Relations
300 38 05
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Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail AKDOĞAN
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok / 264
Turkish Foreign Policy
Turkey-Middle East Relations
International Security
Political History
Turkish Foreign Policy
Turkey-Middle East Relations
International Security
Political History
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
(Vice Dean)
300 34 41
Department of International Relations
300 33 99
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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nuri KORKMAZ
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok / 272
Turkey-EU Relations
Minorities in the Balkans and Nationalism
International Relations
Borders, Security and Intelligence Activities
Turkey-EU Relations
Minorities in the Balkans and Nationalism
International Relations
Borders, Security and Intelligence Activities
Department of International Relations
300 34 46
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Asst. Prof. Dr. Aybala LALE KAHRAMAN
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok / 357
Regional Studies (East Asia)
Korean Studies
Strategic Communication
Public Diplomacy
Regional Studies (East Asia)
Korean Studies
Strategic Communication
Public Diplomacy
Woman and Family Coordinatorship
300 38 42
Department of International Relations
300 38 42
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Asst. Prof. Dr. Burak ÇAKIRCA
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok / 361
Turkish Foreign Policy
Theories Of International Relations
Middle East Studies
Political Science
Turkish Foreign Policy
Theories Of International Relations
Middle East Studies
Political Science
Department of International Relations
300 35 00
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Asst. Prof. Dr. Furkan POLAT
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok / 361
War Studies
Civil Wars
Middle Eastern Studies
Non-State Armed Actors
War Studies
Civil Wars
Middle Eastern Studies
Non-State Armed Actors
Department of International Relations
808 11 53
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Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şeyhmus KÜPELİ
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok /
Turkish Foreign Policy
Middle Eastern Studies
Political Economy
Political History
Turkish Foreign Policy
Middle Eastern Studies
Political Economy
Political History
Department of International Relations
300 39 35
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Res. Asst. Dr. Seda KAYA KARABULUT
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok / 161
Political Science
Comparative Politics
Eastern European Political Institutions
International Politics
Political Science
Comparative Politics
Eastern European Political Institutions
International Politics
Department of International Relations
300 36 34
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Res. Asst. Alperen AYDIN
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok / 168
International Relations
International Law
Political History
Turkish Foreign Policy
International Relations
International Law
Political History
Turkish Foreign Policy
Department of International Relations
808 10 11
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Res. Asst. Yekta Münib HATİBOĞLU
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok / 166
Political Science
International Relations
Political Theory
Turkish Foreign Policy
Political Science
International Relations
Political Theory
Turkish Foreign Policy
Department of International Relations
808 10 86
User profile picture
Abdullah ÇELİK
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok / 468

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
300 36 27
Department of Translation and Interpreting
(Department Secretary)
300 36 27
Department of Business Administration
(Department Secretary)
300 36 27
(Department Secretary)
300 36 27
International Economic Policy
(Department Secretary)
300 36 27
Department of International Relations
(Department Secretary)
300 36 27
International Relations
(Department Secretary)
300 36 27
User profile picture
Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi
B Blok / 468
Student Internship Procedures
Internal Control Action Plan (ICAP)
Procurement, Jury and Travel Payments
External Fund and Official Correspondence
Student Internship Procedures
Internal Control Action Plan (ICAP)
Procurement, Jury and Travel Payments
External Fund and Official Correspondence
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
808 10 44
Department of Psychology
(Department Secretary)
808 10 44
(Department Secretary)
808 10 44
International Economic Policy
(Department Secretary)
808 10 44
Department of International Relations
(Department Secretary)
808 10 44
International Relations
(Department Secretary)
808 10 44